Wednesday, 23 November 2016


   We live in a capitalistic world, no doubt. It has its benefits but it has become so prevalent that we have thrown our values and morals out of the window. These days it seems these values and ethical reasoning have no bearing on our character as people. Things are spinning out of control and only those with a strong conscience can see it. We have become oblivious of the core issues that are affecting the world that we have forgotten how to critically evaluate the repercussions on our sustainability. Problems are never problems till they are. In other words, if we are not vigilant we can never see change coming. This capitalism has placed the victims of it in a bubble. Usually, most people only pay attention to issues that affect them directly. This is diluting our sense of compassion and advocacy on matters that can affect the mortality of our beautiful world.

    I am passionate on addressing climate change especially now that our global focus is on wealth creation. It is a shame that some people who we have elected as our representatives consider this matter as deceitful despite all the signs that are evident. I am also a victim of being in a bubble at times, I am not perfect but every moment when I get that abrupt awakening and a sense of awareness I feel like it is my responsibility to try and change the circumstances. We can get caught up on what is happening in front of us that we forget to see the bigger picture. I feel that climate change hasn't received the attention that it deserves. I hope that by writing this, I will ignite an inner fire within you that will bring an inspiration to take up this matter and bring even that little great change that the world desperately needs. People become aware of climate change through the media but what if the matter isn't being addressed as much as it should be? Does that mean we forget and wait for hurricanes, tsunamis, famine and drought to brutally remind us of the current reality? 

   Climate change hasn't been receiving much attention because it happens over a long period. The problem is it only becomes noticeable when natural disasters strike. You can go through Reality Check Part 1 and see how countries like Bangladesh are on the brink of extinction because of the rising water levels. Waiting for problems so that we can tackle them isn't sustainable. Eventually all the ignorance and misconceptions are going to catch up with us and unfortunately it will be the posterity to suffer. I don't expect everyone to care, there are people who are the pioneers of the causes of these adverse changes in our ecosystem. Look at fossil fuel industries, multi-billion dollar companies that are run by people that are apathetic to the issue. It won't be easy changing all that we know. Simple things like the car that you drive or plan to contributes to CO2 emmisions. Change starts with awareness. 

   Uniting on this will speed up the process of self-restoration. The world is like a cell, it can recreate itself, it just needs to be given the right conditions for it to do the inevitable. You may not have the wealth and resources to go against these wealthy polluting companies but you have a voice that can change people's perception towards the matter. Only a voice? Doesn't seem so powerful, does it? But imagine if millions take up this cause, we have all the power that we need in unity. Trust me. Synergy creates a Master Mind where everything is possible. 

Tuesday, 8 November 2016


     I try to make everyday the best of my life. This was undeniably one of the most fun weekends I have had in a while. I love to getaway, clear my mind, escape and be one with nature. What better place to do that than Nanyuki, Kenya. My friends and I rented a house in Mt. Kenya Conservancy Estate at Olpejeta. Just a few kilometers from the town. The environment was serene, woke up to see some wildlife in the morning around the house. The rental houses are quite a number but they all have a similar design. The rent per night for the whole house was Ksh. 20,000 ($200). The price might change depending on the season. The place can accommodate about 10 people.

                                Images obtained from 

       We also got a chance to explore Ngare Ndare Forest Trust located at the foothills of Mt. Kenya in Meru. The waterfalls are something you should go experience. Can't remember the last time I saw water that clear. The water comes down to form a blue pool, you can swim or just enjoy the scenery. I recommend this place if you love adventure. We also went for a canopy walk, if you love heights you'll feel the rush as you walk across the pathway on top and in the midst of nature. The waterfall and canopy walk experience was roughly Ksh. 2,000 ($20) per person. Highlights of the trip are in the video. Enjoy. 

Wednesday, 5 October 2016


    I am a feminist; supporting women who are trying to make something great of themselves makes me feel like I am contributing to the advancement of women in every field. I encourage you to do the same. From my experience I still feel like it is a man's world despite all the necessary attention that is being shed onto the girl child. The policies coming up that are inclusive of women have shown the world the importance of empowering women. My focus today is especially on women working in male dominated fields but, this is a problem that pervades in all sorts of different environments.

   It can be rather intimidating working alongside men, you feel the need to constantly prove yourself because there is pressure to perform. Making your way to the top without having to compromise on your dignity because of the prevalent objectification of women that clearly exists, is more arduous than it sounds. Saying no to unrelenting unwanted advances in the workplace or any other place for that matter can be seen as being conceited which can make your male colleague change his behavior towards you. It is strenuous for women in hyper-masculine environments to find a balance of neither being seen as yielding or too harsh. I am not saying that this is the only dynamic that happens but it happens so it should be addressed.

   Just to show you an instance demonstrating the gravity of the situation, the results of a survey called 'Elephant in the Valley' were released earlier this year. The survey was conducted on women that work in Silicon Valley and those living around the area and it focused on finding out the challenges that women face in their work place. These were mostly women in tech and venture capitalists. It was found that 60% of women acknowledged that they had faced sexual harassment in their workplace. There were other issues addressed but I wanted to focus on this specific statistic ( I believe such statistics can be reported in other fields as well and this makes me feel unsettled.

Well, my advice to you is to not condone such behavior, ever. You are doing yourself an injustice by ignoring and not standing up for yourself in a situation where you feel condescended upon. Surprisingly, most men are oblivious of what us women go through in such a workplace and it is upon us to bring awareness with regards to the issue. Courage to say no will do you great in your life. Don't be a victim if it can be avoided and if it can't, take the matter up to someone with the power to stop what is happening to you. You have the power to demand mutual respect. The essence of being a woman is something special and should be valued by everyone. It's time for you to see that, more so, it's time for the world to see that.

Monday, 26 September 2016


   Ever felt stuck in a place, a place that drains you of your energy, a place that you keep running away from but always ending up at the same spot? Most of us won't admit it but we have those faults in us that we try to cover up in a carefully crafted veneer hiding from the truth. You need to accept yourself for who you are, for you to be able to accept the person that you want to become. The truth will always catch up with you, remember that. It is far better to initiate the changes within ourselves for us to move forward with life. You are not being fair to yourself revolving around the same spot that took you nowhere in the past. Time is moving, you better move along with it or all you will end up with is regret. Part of the reason why we end getting stuck in a rut is the perception of what needs change. We have become perfectionists, wanting our lives to seem a certain way to other people that we forget that it is okay for us to lose a bit of control in our lives. Relax, take a breather. It is never as bad as it seems. You can look at people and think they have it all together yet underneath the facade they are ordinary people with the same problems as you. Once you realize that what you should be focusing on is what is within you, the fear of change dissipates.

   I have noticed that we have become intent on observing what is in our external reality to reflect what we want to manifest in our lives. Everything that is in our external world is as a result of people's thoughts that have come into existence. Your external circumstances should not dictate who you are, instead seek to nurture what is within as this is the starting point of all that comes into actuality. Put the world in perspective and it will never take control over you. How you perceive the world has a heavy bearing on the person that you will become. Ask yourself, "Would I want to place myself in the constraints of my own thinking?" If your answer is no, you need to change often. This is the only way that you will set a motion of constant growth within your life.

    Who moved my cheese? :An Amazing way to Deal with Change by Dr. Spencer Johnson was one of my most interesting reads. It focuses primarily on change but the author uses a simple and in my opinion quite a funny way to convey that message. I almost dismissed the book because of its simplicity but I got compelled to finish it because I have realized I needed to read something light for a change. I suggest you read it too if you are someone like me who can end up being too hard on themselves at times. The quotes in the book keep lingering in my mind when I face moments of self doubt and resistance. You can never go wrong having a reference point for wisdom when times get tough. This was my favorite quote:
                            "If You Do Not Change, You Can Become Extinct" 

Saturday, 20 August 2016


     This is a series where I will be shedding light on the crucial issues that are existent in the world and the ones that have a major impact on life as we know it. I think we have become accustomed to living in a bubble, closed off from the real world that we forget what is truly of importance. We come across endless information from the media and most of it is just utter nonsense if you come to think of it. The media mostly gives the audience what it asks for because this is linked to ratings and ratings are linked to paychecks. In this age of media conglomeration money talks and it is becoming more evident that preeminent issues that can change the world are not being given the attention that they deserve. What has this lead to? Ignorance. I want to change the way you view the world and the only way for me to achieve this is by telling you what you should be focusing on to change your perspective on things.

     It is becoming increasingly alarming at the rate at which we are depleting our water sources. Global warming is catching up with us and it is inevitably going to end water if we do not come up with sustainable solutions. Water is the most vital resource that exists. Our bodies are made up of over 60% water, producing energy requires water, cooling our atmosphere requires water, producing the meat that the world consumes requires water, agriculture requires water...I can go on and on about the uses of water, the list is endless. It is devastating to know that the most valuable resource that we have as humanity is the least treasured and the most misused. It is evident that the world has started experiencing the effects of global warming. Hurricanes in Florida have wiped out towns and killed hundreds of people, flooding in India, Bangladesh and other South Asian countries has also resulted in the same fate. The wildfires in Australia caused by an increase in temperatures have destroyed lush forests and have resulted in massive loss of wealth, recurring drought in Russia has caused parts of the country to declare a state of emergency. The increasing examples of such catastrophes are becoming increasingly worrying.

    It scares me looking at the bigger picture. The ice in Antarctica and Greenland is gradually melting resulting in the region losing about 70 kilometers of ice per year. The ice contained in this region accounts for most of the fresh water in the world. The melting of the ice is causing an increase in sea level which screams disaster for flat countries. Bangladesh has a low lying coast which is gradually being submerged due to the rise in sea levels. According to predictions, in a century, this might lead to more than 30 million people being displaced from their homes. That number is nerve wracking. Where these people are going to go? Nobody knows.

    We need to start taking responsibility of what is going on in the world. It is our own doing. In this age of capitalism we forget that we are suffocating our world gradually. The increase in greenhouse emissions, excessive use of fossil fuels, improper garbage disposal, these are all man made problems in the race to make more money. Incessant greed and ignorance will be the end of us unless we change the story. Just as there exists oil disputes across the world, nations will start to collide because of inadequate water. Think about it. It is already happening, look at the disputes that occurred along the Nile Valley or the ones occurring in parts of Asia for example between India and Bangladesh over The Ganges, it is also happening in the Middle East and South America. We need change and we need it fast. The responsibility to take care of the posterity is with us. Now that you are aware, what is it that you can do to help better the situation? That is the question.

Thursday, 11 August 2016


     The thing I have come to value the most in life is my alone time. Being alone and being lonely are two ends of a spectrum. We tend to seek people to share our time with, afraid of feeling lonely and we end up depriving ourselves of the time to get to know who we are more intently. The risk of not giving yourself enough alone time is that you are exposing yourself more to outwardly influences, which creep in into our lives and cause a disturbance in our peaceful state of mind. Most people are so concerned about finding people who will fill their empty shell of loneliness but they forget it all begins from within. In order not to feel lonely we must love being with ourselves. Start focusing on your personal growth to strengthen your sense of self. We may not truly know who we are but we know who we think we are.

     Turn yourself into a person with depth. Learn yourself and from that, get to know which parts of yourself need to change. It is not unusual to be oblivious of your shortcomings when you do not take time to center your mind and find your true self. I have found that meditation is ideal in finding inner peace.  Disconnecting from the world relieves us of the pressure of what is expected of us by other people. Do not be afraid to detach yourself from people who persistently drag you into their problems. You do not owe them anything, distance yourself for the greater good. Some of us are stuck trying to help other people with their issues that we forget to pay attention to ourselves. Slowly you start to lose your identity and that ends up breaking you. Centering yourself in the midst of chaos will be the true test of your self awareness. It is not an easy road trying to be who you are in a world that is constantly pressuring us to be someone else. Once you start to become conscious of who you are, growth becomes imminent. You will start to value your time and people who have your best interests in mind.

      I have found that getting away out of town to a serene environment is my favorite thing to do to unwind and re-evaluate my life. I love going to places I have never been before. It gets my mind off all the seriousness in my life. I believe we were born to enjoy this conscious awareness experience we call life and discover our full potential. This can only be achieved if we are comfortable with who we are. It is a journey, be aware that you are on that journey and the only way that you will to go is forward, towards abundance. This time round I explored a resort in Thika, Kenya called Ol donyo Sapuk Resort. It is set at the foot of Mt. Kilimambogo; the scenery was surreal and one which you might consider going to experience. The video gives you a preview of the experience. Enjoy. 

Saturday, 9 July 2016


   You have got to be vigilant about the people you let into your life. Not everyone you share your dreams and goals with will want what is best for you. You need to start evaluating your friends to determine who actually has your best interest. When your circle of friends starts to reduce, maturity starts to kick in. You start to value quality over quantity. That is the way to ensure that the people who are closest to you are the people who you share the same values and goals with. People that will push you to greatness are hard to come by. When you find them, keep them close. It is human nature to want to share your dreams and aspirations with other people. At times we get too excited with what is going on in our lives that we blubber out all your future plans to anybody who will listen to you. This is dangerous. We need to practice a certain level of restraint when it comes to sharing what is important to us. 90% of the time the people that we associate with do not want us to succeed. Some are jealous, others don't want you to progress more than them, others just don't care. Learn how to read people basing it on your interactions with them. 

   Good energy and bad energy do not mix. The more you tell the wrong people about your future plans and private life, the more that positive energy will dissipate into oblivion. You block yourself from progress. Be mindful that the more information you give to people the more likely that that information will be used against you at the worst possible time. Knowing who can and cannot be trusted is crucial and it is an intuition that you need to perfect. Trust is one of the hardest things to rebuild once it is broken. Do not put yourself in a situation where you set yourself up for disappointment. For you to find the right people to trust, you need to be trustworthy yourself. Don't expect people to give you something that you cannot give back. If you ever feel that you are starting to doubt someone's trustworthiness, pay close attention to their actions. People often reveal their true nature unconsciously through what they do. The actions will tell you everything that you need to know. Relationships, partnerships and friendships can't work if there is no trust. 

   You do not owe everyone your full honesty when it comes to what you do in private. This does not mean that you keep everything bottled up inside you. Good people exist and those are the people that you should be attracting into your life. They are quite few.  If you cannot trust someone trust your gut, it is your gift from God. From experience, some of the best moments in life are the ones  you can't tell anyone about. 

Thursday, 23 June 2016


    As I am writing this, I am in an ecstatic mood. Ever since I had my spiritual awakening realizing that there is so much more to life than our current state of reality, happiness has been like a shadow following me everywhere I go. We tend to get caught up with what is happening to us instead on focusing on how to respond to all these experiences that we get bombarded with in our daily lives. All the posts that I have written so far have been an evaluation of the experiences that I have and still going through and this post is not an exception. I have gone through plenty of challenges over these past few couple of months and at times I felt so low that it was affecting my whole well being. It is the things and people that we love dearly that can hurt us the most. I felt like I had been pushed to the wall and as if there was only one way out of my predicament and that was to accept defeat. I had to step back and look at the bigger picture and once I did that, I experienced a paradigm shift. I have realized there is no point of stressing over our current negative situations because it makes us live in the past hindering progress.

    In life you either win or learn. Detach yourself from failure and look at it as an opportunity to know how to do things right the next time. Resistance is part of success. After changing my perception about my reality I had to reset my mind to accommodate all that I had learnt to prepare myself for my next battle. What better way to free your mind than a weekend getaway with amazing friends to a place so surreal as the Great Rift Valley Lodge! The friends that you keep are either going to build you or break you. At your worst, you will need friends to help you lift the weight off; choose them wisely. I live for new experiences and heading to Naivasha, where the lodge is located, was an incredible idea. Being away from the city life unclogs your mind and brings you mental clarity. The ambiance of the lodge was warm and it felt like a home away from home. My mind was only focused on enjoying myself and forming stronger bonds with my friends. It made my challenges feel really small and not as important as I had perceived them to be. In fact, I am glad that I went through the low moments because it made me appreciate what is most valuable in life which is making stronger connections with people I love and seeing what the world has to offer in terms of its natural beauty. I live to travel and I want to inspire you to want to see the world as badly as I want to. Life was not meant to be lived in the same place. I made a short clip to show you some snapshots of the weekend getaway and maybe you could visit the place and have an unforgettable time too. Life is too exciting to not be experienced.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016


    There will always come a time when you are at your lowest. Everything seems to be going wrong and you don't know what to do. Hopelessness starts to creep in. You start to feel like a failure. You start to make comparisons between you and the people around you. Comparison only makes what you are feeling worse. You feel like your goal is so close yet so far away. Frustration consumes you; it gets to you that you are the problem. No matter how hard you try, you end up at the start of it all; with nothing. Is this how you feel right now? Let me tell you what to do...don't panic! A lot of the pain we are dealing with are really only our thoughts. 

     You know that failure is a part of success. In my previous posts I have told you to view failure as 
opportunity. How you choose to deal with your failures defines your character. Never giving up is easier said than done but once you start to cultivate that culture within you, there is nothing that will break you. Most of the success stories you know speak of people who have overcome great obstacles in order to be where they are now. Resilience and persistence for a successful person are must have qualities to progress in this world. If success was easy, everybody would be successful; but that isn't the case now, is it? It might feel that there is no way to move forward when you've hit rock bottom but there is always a way, you just need to look carefully enough to find it. Our worries and disappointments cloud our judgement and it becomes harder to find a solution to a problem when our minds are racing through all the things that we have done wrong. For you to progress and make the changes that you ought to make, you have to clear your mind of any thoughts that are not in alignment with your goals. 

     When you are at an ultimate low that is when you are about to have a breakthrough. If you are the type of person to give up easily, you will never get to enjoy the results of your hard work. How do you know that you are going through a breakthrough? You will start to face opposition from the people around you. People will start to question what you do and how you do it. Most people start to second guess themselves after a few negative comments from the people they trust. Block out the pointless criticism and focus on the bigger picture.It is usual to lose friends during such a time; not everyone will see eye to eye with you. During a breakthrough you will also start to question yourself. This usually comes from fear. Don't be afraid of your dreams; when your dreams don't scare you they are not big enough. Your end goal is achievable, believe that. We were all blessed with intuition; when you feel that what you are doing is what will push you further ahead in life then do not fret when you are confronted with opposition. Trust yourself. You know great things are coming when everything seems to be going wrong. Old energy is clearing out for new energy to enter. Be patient. It is always at our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. 

Saturday, 23 April 2016


   There are 7 natural laws that keep the universe in perfect harmony. This explains the order that exists in the universe. It is important that you understand and align yourself with these laws because they govern our lives whether we are aware of them or not. Whether you believe that these laws exist or not is IRRELEVANT. The laws are impartial. Knowing these laws will lead you to get in touch with your spirituality and unlock your full potential. Master these laws and you will be able to see your life unfold the way you want it to.

     The Law of Vibration

   In my earlier post on 'The Secret', I had introduced you to the Law of Attraction which is the basic law of the universe. These two laws are one. This law states that everything vibrates with its own frequency. Everything that exists is all energy; this includes our thoughts. Like energy attracts like energy. This therefore suggests that our thoughts emit a frequency that attracts other like frequencies which manifest as our reality. All that we desire has its own frequency which is also true about that that we do not desire. To use this law in your favor, your thoughts must be at the same frequency as that which is desired. Constantly focusing on a particular thought attracts its vibrational match.

     The Law of Cause and Effect

    Every cause has an effect and every effect has its cause. The philosophical ideas from this law are borrowed from the laws of physics. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. Let your thoughts be the cause to the effects that are desired. Where we concentrate most of our energy comes to be.

      The Law of Relativity

    The true essence of something is measured by the way we relate it to something else, this is how we give meaning to things. I want to relate this law to your life. Ever looked at someone else's life and compared it to yours? I'm sure it left you feeling discouraged especially if the person you are in comparison with is further ahead in life. Or have you ever experienced a hard time and it makes you feel like you have hit rock bottom and there is no chance of redeeming yourself? I always encouraged people to look at the positive side of every situation. Your current being will always be far much better than another person going through more difficult challenges than you are. Instead of feeling discouraged by other people's current situations and the difficulties that you are going through at the moment, realize that there are so many other people who are going through a worse time. Comparing your troubles and situation to someone else going through a harder time makes our challenges feel less significant.

      The Law of Polarity

     This law states that everything that exists has its opposite. The opposites are the two extremes of a thing. For example hot-cold, day-night, failure-success, pain-pleasure, good-evil and so on. What you are coexists with what you are not. In the absence of what you are not, what you are cannot exist. Where you put your energy dictates what comes to be. This is why it is crucial to train yourself to focus on what it is that you love. It is always difficult to completely eliminate negative thoughts, this is because they exist in harmony with positive thoughts. The only way to keep your mind from wandering into negativity is to stay in constant awareness of your thoughts.

      The Law of Rhythm 

    This law states all that exists has a natural cycle to it. For example business cycles, tides going in and back out, night follows day, life regenerates itself and so on. Life is made up of a series of ups and downs. Even in our darkest moments there is always a light at the end of the tunnel if we open our eyes wide enough to see it. Failure is an integral part of life, how we deal with failure determines the outcome of our lives. Failure is a means to an end. Learn to see failure as opportunity. When you are on the brink of giving up, that is when your life is about to undergo a transformation that will change your current predicament. Existence of hard times is a sign that your life is about to change. So stop beating yourself up when you are down and start preparing yourself for the great things to come.

      The Law of Transmutation

    This law states that energy moves in and out of physical form. All that exists began as a single thought which manifested through concentrating on the idea. A thought is creative energy. Concentrating on a particular thought gives it creative power that moves energy to manifest what you desire into reality. The universe arranges itself according to your thoughts. Harness your creative energy by focusing on what you desire.

       The Law of Gestation

      This law states that everything takes time to manifest. A thought takes concentrated effort to eventually materialize. Visualization of what it is you desire, makes it real in the mental and spiritual realm. It may exist immediately in the mental and spiritual world but the time and space elements of your physical existence makes it take time to manifest. I want you to understand that the past, present and future all exist as ONE. If you concentrate on a particular thought, know that the physical manifestation already exists in the universe just at a different time of your existence. People fail to achieve their goals because they get discouraged too early on their success journey. Do not give up in your pursuit of what you want, when the time is right you will get it. It is law!

Monday, 4 April 2016


Paradox of freedom
      'No man is free who is not master of himself'

      This is a quote derived from the book that has resonated deep within me. I read this book with the aim of learning what needs to be done in order for me to achieve success. I was particularly interested in the chapter that talked about discipline. One of the main reasons many of us fail to achieve success is because we lack the consistency to do what needs to be done when it should be done. Human beings are creatures of habit. One destructive habit repeated consistently becomes innate and it takes an incredible amount of effort to break out of the habit. Similarly, it takes the same amount of effort to develop and grow a necessary habit. Discipline broods consistency and this consistency gives us a momentum which is fuel to success. Getting into the right mindset every day is always a challenge to most people. The possibility of distractions is endless. It takes a strong individual to conquer his mind to do what needs to be done when it ought to be done.

      It is quite obvious that discipline is paramount if you want to be exceptional in all your undertakings. So, why is it then that some people fall short of success? It is one thing to be aware of something and another to practice it. To know and not do is not to know at all. Just because you are aware that discipline is crucial, does not mean that you are disciplined. Life is a series of pain and pleasure. The order in which the two facts of life are dealt with determines the destiny of your life. A disciplined individual schedules life in such a way that the pain is dealt with first in order to enhance pleasure later. If it was easy, everyone would be successful. The most brilliant minds can go untapped because of lack of this essential characteristic. The difference between a dreamer and a go-getter is action.

      Building a foundation based on discipline will require sacrifice, diligence and persistence. Decide on what it is that you would like to change and determine the steps that you need to take to get to where you want to be. Start applying discipline in one aspect of your life, whether it is fitness, diet, education or punctuality and this will inevitably consume your whole being. This process can take a substantial amount of time to be mastered and it might be discouraging when you do not see the results immediately. It should be at the back of your mind that good things take time. Your speed is not important. As long as your moving, you are still lapping everyone on the couch. The key to discipline is a sense of destiny. Do not lose sight of your end goal. Remember, no one ever reached any eminence, and no one having reached it, ever maintained it, without discipline.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016


     If someone were to look into your soul what would they see? Well, mine would probably be a fireball. I am full of energy with a burning desire to succeed at all costs. We think we know ourselves but we don't. The subject of finding out who you are is often underestimated but doing this will add great value to your life. Discovering more about ourselves requires us to be self-aware. We spend most our lives reacting to life instead of responding to it. We unconsciously react to the events and circumstances around us without much thinking of the implications. You need to understand that switching on autopilot in your life increases the level of uncertainty of your future. Take control of your life and experience a shift in your destiny. It is time you realize that you create the life that you want by the actions and the mindset that you take on each day.

     The importance of knowing yourself is crucial. It is what is required for us to grow as individuals. I find meditation as an effective way to get in touch with your consciousness and inner soul. We get caught up daily re-evaluating the events and circumstances that have happened around us that we forget to analyze our response to them; which is what we should be focusing on. Get in touch with yourself and find out what drives you, your strengths, your weaknesses, your interests, your standards, value system and beliefs. Life is all about choices, how we choose to react to something is a choice that we make. These choices are driven by our decision making capabilities. In order to make wise decisions we need to blur out the distractions and focus on the matter at hand. Having a clear picture of what you would want your future to look like will guide you on the choices to take. Take up all the choices that are in conformity with your vision and goals. 

     The journey of self-discovery is not an easy one. You are forced to delve into your deepest fears, weaknesses and bad habits. Progress comes with breaking these innate barriers and taking up habits that are constructive and inspired. At times self-discovery enables you to realize that some weaknesses are uncontrollable and you should just let them be, instead of beating yourself up trying to understand why something is the way it is. Knowing yourself will inevitably result in you appreciating the incredible being that is YOU. Focus shifts from concentrating on the happenings of the external world to you focusing on your well being. The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016


     We all have goals that we would like to achieve. The desire to succeed can be overwhelming and at times it feels like our goals are moving further away from us. Well, it only seems that way because we have that set mentality. The only way to achieve greatness is to have the indomitable will to excel at everything that you set out to accomplish.

      Failure goes hand in hand with success. You need to keep your eyes open because 100% of the time, opportunities are disguised as failures. I have failed many times, especially in business. If I was to give you an account of the jobs that I have taken just to build myself, you would be surprised why I still maintain the enthusiasm to move further ahead. I have taught myself never to give up and this just led me to discover new opportunities which have to led me to have better ideas and a better understanding of the business world. Looking back to when I started getting an interest in business, never did I imagine I would be where I am now. I am still not where I want to be but I am dilligent and patient enough to get there.

      It is simple, if you want to succeed you must never give up. I know this might sound cliché but the day will come when you will face a predicament and giving up will seem like the easy way out. Trust me, I have been there plenty of times. Staying focused on completing your goals even during the challenges will force your mind to come up with creative strategies to progress. Most of us get terrified by failure to the point where it becomes an impediment to engaging in something new. The truth is, you will remain stagnant if you don't start trying and failing at something.

      Business is cut throat. It takes a significant amount of time to build an empire but it only takes a second to end up with nothing. Are you strong enough to cut your losses and build something new out of scratch? If not, you have a lot to learn. Stay consistent and have a precision of focus; you will get where you want to go when the time is right.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016


     Today's post is directed towards the ladies. There is nothing that is sexier than a woman's independence. Been looking at the ladies of this generation and wondering what went wrong with us. Why is the mentality that a man has to take care of you financially, so prevalent? It is such a shame how ladies are being swayed so easily by money. I have seen ladies who have lowered their standards to the point you ask yourself, does she really love herself? Dignity is something that is of paramount importance to us ladies and placing a price on that, will get you on the one-way road to lowering your standards. If you are the type of girl to value a man based on how deep his pockets are, you are a disgrace to the rest of the independent ladies who work their butts off to provide for themselves. I never believed this but now it is becoming quite clear to me, women are the enemies to themselves. Why do I say this? We want a man that is loving, compassionate, caring, values us for our beliefs and stands but we go ahead and lower our standards by being impressed by the worldly. Prioritizing money makes all the other essential characteristics of a good man to lose weight.

      I don't know about you but for myself, I want a relationship where we get to explore each other's minds and souls instead of one which is simply empty. You should seek sustenance in a relationship not something that is ephemeral. Even though some ladies have lost track of this, it dawns on everyone inevitably. Getting to know yourself will make you seek deeper connections than will last. We have placed too much emphasis on correlating money with living a good life that we forget it is happiness within ourselves that we ought to be seeking. Everyone has their own layers, under each layer is something so precious that takes ample time to get through. Do not equate yourself to a quick buy from the shelves of a supermarket. You are worth so much more than you realize. Stop being shallow and treat yourself with respect. You need to understand that you attract what you are. If all that you are looking for is money, you will get it with a shallow man to tag along with it. Valuing worldly possessions above everything else will only take you on a downward spiral. It is not uncommon to hear of relationship breakups that all root from money. Money is essential, that cannot be refuted, but once it comes to surpass all that makes us human, it becomes a god. If you want money, get it yourself. Lazy should not exist in your vocabulary. It is time for women to start appreciating themselves according to what they can do with their intellect not with their bodies. A busy, vibrant, goal-oriented woman is much more attractive that one who waits for a man to validate her existence. 

Thursday, 18 February 2016


     First of all, this book changed my life. It is one of those books that opened up my mind to how I should be living life. After reading The Secret, you will stop thinking the same way you used to. Probably now you are wondering, "What is the secret?". It is simple, the secret is the Law of Attraction. This is a law like any other, it is impartial and universal. This law suggests that our mind is a powerful tool to bring to us everything that we desire. The concept is easy to comprehend, what we think we become. When we think, we emit frequencies into the universe and the universe responds by sending us like frequencies. These frequencies that the universe sends to us, manifest in our reality. Everything and everyone that is in your life right now, it is you who has attracted them. Everything that exists is made of energy. The same elements that compose the human body are the same that make up the moon, stars, the sun. In short, you and the universe are one. The law of attraction is a way for us to communicate with the universe for providence. Amazing, right? 

     This law is the gateway for us to receive everything and I mean EVERYTHING that we want. You need to realize the greatness that is within you. Whether it is power, good health, wealth or people it can all be brought forth using this law. We have to be in a peaceful state of mind in order for this law to work in our favor. Clear your mind of negative thoughts because you emit frequencies into the universe that tells it to send you back negative circumstances. In order to attract what you want, you need to be happy. You and I both know it can be difficult being in a state of happiness all the time. It requires one to be constantly aware of one's thoughts. Once you realize that negative thoughts are dominating your mind, think of a time or think of something that makes you feel happy. Practicing gratitude and love are two ways for you to send out stronger frequencies. 

    Once you realize that the you have all it takes to create the future that you want, you will be more aware of what you think about. This secret had been kept under wraps for centuries and it is clear why. Get out of the feeling of hopelessness and despair, the power is within your mind. Control your thoughts and start on the journey towards achieving your full potential. This book gives a number of scenarios of people who have been using the law of attraction to change their lives and the results that they have experienced will blow your mind. Reading the book will give you further details on how to transform your life. I highly recommend that you read it. You will definitely experience a profound spiritual awakening. 

Thursday, 11 February 2016


     It had always crossed my mind to start blogging but I never got myself to actually begin. Today is different. It has occurred to me that the only way I can continue growing is if I push myself to try out something new. I honestly did not see myself starting a blog today but if I kept saying that tomorrow I will, tomorrow would have never come. We spend so much time of our lives debating whether what we set out to do will actually come into fruition. Stop overthinking and just do it. Trust me you will ask yourself why you did not start sooner.

    I want to introduce myself to the world. My name is Leah Wangari Ngechu, a proud Kenyan girl who sees the world as her oyster. This blog is an avenue that I will use to speak my mind. I have always wanted to share my point of view with anyone who will care to listen. Helping people realize their full potential is one of my life goals. I am not an expert on the subject of life, no one is, but I can try share my experiences and lessons which I have learnt throughout my life in hopes that someone somewhere in the world will read my posts and feel inspired. 

    Today's post is all about surpassing boundaries that we have unconsciously set for ourselves. Are you desirous of being great? It is time to get out of your comfort zone; nothing great ever comes out of it. I have lived my life in a box and the way that I felt about myself on the inside was not being reflected through my actions. We can get comfortable in our current situations that we forget to grow. You need to understand that change is inevitable. If you find yourself doing the same thing over and over just passing your life away, it is time for a change. This can be at work, in school or even at home. You deserve to have new experiences in your life. This is what we call living. I want you to get into a state of awareness, realize that the society sets out roles for us. It is always the same story; go to school, get a good job where you just see your life passing you by. I am not saying that being employed is wrong, if that is what you want to do with your life well and good. But, so many people are caught up in a rut, stuck in a job they do not like or just simply doing anything that does not evoke that burning desire within themselves to achieve their full potential. 

    Break out of the habit. So, how do you do this? It all starts in the mind. You have to get into a mindset where no one can stop you from achieving whatever it is that you want in life. The hardest part is always the beginning but it is as simple as just taking the first step even when you cannot see the rest of the staircase. Getting into the right mentality can be challenging but nothing worth it comes easy. Trust me, once you have that enthusiasm that cannot be reckoned with, you will be unstoppable. Break down hard tasks into small simple ones and take care of each small task step by step. Eventually, all that you envision will come into your reality. What are you waiting for? Start now.