Good energy and bad energy do not mix. The more you tell the wrong people about your future plans and private life, the more that positive energy will dissipate into oblivion. You block yourself from progress. Be mindful that the more information you give to people the more likely that that information will be used against you at the worst possible time. Knowing who can and cannot be trusted is crucial and it is an intuition that you need to perfect. Trust is one of the hardest things to rebuild once it is broken. Do not put yourself in a situation where you set yourself up for disappointment. For you to find the right people to trust, you need to be trustworthy yourself. Don't expect people to give you something that you cannot give back. If you ever feel that you are starting to doubt someone's trustworthiness, pay close attention to their actions. People often reveal their true nature unconsciously through what they do. The actions will tell you everything that you need to know. Relationships, partnerships and friendships can't work if there is no trust.
You do not owe everyone your full honesty when it comes to what you do in private. This does not mean that you keep everything bottled up inside you. Good people exist and those are the people that you should be attracting into your life. They are quite few. If you cannot trust someone trust your gut, it is your gift from God. From experience, some of the best moments in life are the ones you can't tell anyone about.
Hey,,, You know, you're a pretty cool writer. I look forward to reading more of your posts��