This is a series where I will be shedding light on the crucial issues that are existent in the world and the ones that have a major impact on life as we know it. I think we have become accustomed to living in a bubble, closed off from the real world that we forget what is truly of importance. We come across endless information from the media and most of it is just utter nonsense if you come to think of it. The media mostly gives the audience what it asks for because this is linked to ratings and ratings are linked to paychecks. In this age of media conglomeration money talks and it is becoming more evident that preeminent issues that can change the world are not being given the attention that they deserve. What has this lead to? Ignorance. I want to change the way you view the world and the only way for me to achieve this is by telling you what you should be focusing on to change your perspective on things.
It is becoming increasingly alarming at the rate at which we are depleting our water sources. Global warming is catching up with us and it is inevitably going to end water if we do not come up with sustainable solutions. Water is the most vital resource that exists. Our bodies are made up of over 60% water, producing energy requires water, cooling our atmosphere requires water, producing the meat that the world consumes requires water, agriculture requires water...I can go on and on about the uses of water, the list is endless. It is devastating to know that the most valuable resource that we have as humanity is the least treasured and the most misused. It is evident that the world has started experiencing the effects of global warming. Hurricanes in Florida have wiped out towns and killed hundreds of people, flooding in India, Bangladesh and other South Asian countries has also resulted in the same fate. The wildfires in Australia caused by an increase in temperatures have destroyed lush forests and have resulted in massive loss of wealth, recurring drought in Russia has caused parts of the country to declare a state of emergency. The increasing examples of such catastrophes are becoming increasingly worrying.
It scares me looking at the bigger picture. The ice in Antarctica and Greenland is gradually melting resulting in the region losing about 70 kilometers of ice per year. The ice contained in this region accounts for most of the fresh water in the world. The melting of the ice is causing an increase in sea level which screams disaster for flat countries. Bangladesh has a low lying coast which is gradually being submerged due to the rise in sea levels. According to predictions, in a century, this might lead to more than 30 million people being displaced from their homes. That number is nerve wracking. Where these people are going to go? Nobody knows.
We need to start taking responsibility of what is going on in the world. It is our own doing. In this age of capitalism we forget that we are suffocating our world gradually. The increase in greenhouse emissions, excessive use of fossil fuels, improper garbage disposal, these are all man made problems in the race to make more money. Incessant greed and ignorance will be the end of us unless we change the story. Just as there exists oil disputes across the world, nations will start to collide because of inadequate water. Think about it. It is already happening, look at the disputes that occurred along the Nile Valley or the ones occurring in parts of Asia for example between India and Bangladesh over The Ganges, it is also happening in the Middle East and South America. We need change and we need it fast. The responsibility to take care of the posterity is with us. Now that you are aware, what is it that you can do to help better the situation? That is the question.
True that!
ReplyDeleteTrue that!