Once you start to seek the truth about the situation in Syria, what you find will shock you. The situation on the ground tells a story of what could happen if democracy is flawed. The dictatorial regime in place under the president Bashar Al-assad has turned the country into a war zone. Ghost cities sprung after nuclear explosives were thrown into most of the major cities of Syria, like Homes, which is full of dilapidated real estate that housed thousands of citizens. The number of innocent civilians that have been murdered, most of whom were children, is heart-breaking. Many have been injured and displaced from their homes.
The divide in the country was caused after the Arab Spring Protests against the regime under Assad in the years 2011-2012. Peaceful demonstrations by the rebels took place within the cities such as Aleppo. This caused an aggressive retaliation by the government leading to massive bombings in the cities where there existed a population of the rebels, the goal was to wipe out the 'enemy'. Left in the shadows, were the innocent civilians affected by the crisis. The result has been constant war with external forces of the west and Russia trying to intervene causing more tension.
The terror that has come after taking a contrarian position against the Assad regime, has caused the civilians to be silent about the true reality of the situation. The following link directs to an episode of the investigative TV series, VICE, which depicts how the civilians have been brainwashed through propagandists of the Assad agenda and through the government censorship and control over the media in the country. (Assad's Syria)
Decentralization of power is critical in ensuring democracy and preventing extremism use of power. The solution of using blind violence to tackle political matters has only led to suffering of the innocent. Yes, in some instances the use of force is inevitable in tackling crime such as terrorism but a government that is of the people, by the people and for the people needs to concern itself with the innocent caught up in the crossfire. It is its responsibility to ensure that the citizens feel secure and free to live their lives. No one has the right to weigh the importance of an innocent person's life according to their reasonable opinions and ideas about the reality they live in. All lives matter.
Very informative! A nice read