Thursday, 19 January 2017



   The flow of time is a construct that we have created for ourselves to try and explain this worldly existence and experience of life. I was reading on Albert Einstein's theory of relativity and it changed my perspective on what I view time to be. Understanding that this element called 'time' that we think is always flowing may not be moving at all. Start by viewing the experience of life as a four-dimensional entity for example like a loaf of bread. That four-dimensional entity is what Einstein called space-time. Back to the analogy of a loaf of bread; one end of the bread is the moment when we start to experience life and the other end is when we stop experiencing life. Life exists in this continuum. You are at one specific point in the continuum at this moment in time. Every moment that we have ever experienced exists as different moments in this space-time. You could pick out one moment from the past or future on that continuum like selecting a picture frame from a movie reel. So, according to Einstein's thinking, the 'past' that is, the moments that you already experienced, exists at the same time as the present moment and 'future', the moments yet to manifest. I hope that this simplified analogy makes it easier to understand the aspect of space-time.

   Viewing life in this perspective gives you an opportunity to create the life that you want because the future you desire already exists. Everything exists in the now. We create our lives by the choices that we make everyday. You have to be conscious of your being at all times because you  literally are an artist creating a work of art that is your life experience. Stop living life giving power to the world over what happens to you and start taking control of your mind and being, by consciously making choices and taking actions that are in line with your goals. When you are productive, time seems to move faster than usual and when there is a ton to do it can get stressful because of the deadlines that you have set for yourself. Take a deep breathe and realize that you are moving closer to the life that you have imagined, that gives you a sense of purpose and an unwavering drive to take action. What matters is what you do now with your life not in the next few months or years. Simply ask yourself, "Is what I'm doing now in line with what I want to manifest?" You have all that you need to take control of your life just be conscious about your awareness and show commitment to your goals by taking the necessary actions.


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