Ever felt stuck in a place, a place that drains you of your energy, a place that you keep running away from but always ending up at the same spot? Most of us won't admit it but we have those faults in us that we try to cover up in a carefully crafted veneer hiding from the truth. You need to accept yourself for who you are, for you to be able to accept the person that you want to become. The truth will always catch up with you, remember that. It is far better to initiate the changes within ourselves for us to move forward with life. You are not being fair to yourself revolving around the same spot that took you nowhere in the past. Time is moving, you better move along with it or all you will end up with is regret. Part of the reason why we end getting stuck in a rut is the perception of what needs change. We have become perfectionists, wanting our lives to seem a certain way to other people that we forget that it is okay for us to lose a bit of control in our lives. Relax, take a breather. It is never as bad as it seems. You can look at people and think they have it all together yet underneath the facade they are ordinary people with the same problems as you. Once you realize that what you should be focusing on is what is within you, the fear of change dissipates.
I have noticed that we have become intent on observing what is in our external reality to reflect what we want to manifest in our lives. Everything that is in our external world is as a result of people's thoughts that have come into existence. Your external circumstances should not dictate who you are, instead seek to nurture what is within as this is the starting point of all that comes into actuality. Put the world in perspective and it will never take control over you. How you perceive the world has a heavy bearing on the person that you will become. Ask yourself, "Would I want to place myself in the constraints of my own thinking?" If your answer is no, you need to change often. This is the only way that you will set a motion of constant growth within your life.
Who moved my cheese? :An Amazing way to Deal with Change by Dr. Spencer Johnson was one of my most interesting reads. It focuses primarily on change but the author uses a simple and in my opinion quite a funny way to convey that message. I almost dismissed the book because of its simplicity but I got compelled to finish it because I have realized I needed to read something light for a change. I suggest you read it too if you are someone like me who can end up being too hard on themselves at times. The quotes in the book keep lingering in my mind when I face moments of self doubt and resistance. You can never go wrong having a reference point for wisdom when times get tough. This was my favorite quote:
"If You Do Not Change, You Can Become Extinct"