Saturday, 23 April 2016


   There are 7 natural laws that keep the universe in perfect harmony. This explains the order that exists in the universe. It is important that you understand and align yourself with these laws because they govern our lives whether we are aware of them or not. Whether you believe that these laws exist or not is IRRELEVANT. The laws are impartial. Knowing these laws will lead you to get in touch with your spirituality and unlock your full potential. Master these laws and you will be able to see your life unfold the way you want it to.

     The Law of Vibration

   In my earlier post on 'The Secret', I had introduced you to the Law of Attraction which is the basic law of the universe. These two laws are one. This law states that everything vibrates with its own frequency. Everything that exists is all energy; this includes our thoughts. Like energy attracts like energy. This therefore suggests that our thoughts emit a frequency that attracts other like frequencies which manifest as our reality. All that we desire has its own frequency which is also true about that that we do not desire. To use this law in your favor, your thoughts must be at the same frequency as that which is desired. Constantly focusing on a particular thought attracts its vibrational match.

     The Law of Cause and Effect

    Every cause has an effect and every effect has its cause. The philosophical ideas from this law are borrowed from the laws of physics. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. Let your thoughts be the cause to the effects that are desired. Where we concentrate most of our energy comes to be.

      The Law of Relativity

    The true essence of something is measured by the way we relate it to something else, this is how we give meaning to things. I want to relate this law to your life. Ever looked at someone else's life and compared it to yours? I'm sure it left you feeling discouraged especially if the person you are in comparison with is further ahead in life. Or have you ever experienced a hard time and it makes you feel like you have hit rock bottom and there is no chance of redeeming yourself? I always encouraged people to look at the positive side of every situation. Your current being will always be far much better than another person going through more difficult challenges than you are. Instead of feeling discouraged by other people's current situations and the difficulties that you are going through at the moment, realize that there are so many other people who are going through a worse time. Comparing your troubles and situation to someone else going through a harder time makes our challenges feel less significant.

      The Law of Polarity

     This law states that everything that exists has its opposite. The opposites are the two extremes of a thing. For example hot-cold, day-night, failure-success, pain-pleasure, good-evil and so on. What you are coexists with what you are not. In the absence of what you are not, what you are cannot exist. Where you put your energy dictates what comes to be. This is why it is crucial to train yourself to focus on what it is that you love. It is always difficult to completely eliminate negative thoughts, this is because they exist in harmony with positive thoughts. The only way to keep your mind from wandering into negativity is to stay in constant awareness of your thoughts.

      The Law of Rhythm 

    This law states all that exists has a natural cycle to it. For example business cycles, tides going in and back out, night follows day, life regenerates itself and so on. Life is made up of a series of ups and downs. Even in our darkest moments there is always a light at the end of the tunnel if we open our eyes wide enough to see it. Failure is an integral part of life, how we deal with failure determines the outcome of our lives. Failure is a means to an end. Learn to see failure as opportunity. When you are on the brink of giving up, that is when your life is about to undergo a transformation that will change your current predicament. Existence of hard times is a sign that your life is about to change. So stop beating yourself up when you are down and start preparing yourself for the great things to come.

      The Law of Transmutation

    This law states that energy moves in and out of physical form. All that exists began as a single thought which manifested through concentrating on the idea. A thought is creative energy. Concentrating on a particular thought gives it creative power that moves energy to manifest what you desire into reality. The universe arranges itself according to your thoughts. Harness your creative energy by focusing on what you desire.

       The Law of Gestation

      This law states that everything takes time to manifest. A thought takes concentrated effort to eventually materialize. Visualization of what it is you desire, makes it real in the mental and spiritual realm. It may exist immediately in the mental and spiritual world but the time and space elements of your physical existence makes it take time to manifest. I want you to understand that the past, present and future all exist as ONE. If you concentrate on a particular thought, know that the physical manifestation already exists in the universe just at a different time of your existence. People fail to achieve their goals because they get discouraged too early on their success journey. Do not give up in your pursuit of what you want, when the time is right you will get it. It is law!

Monday, 4 April 2016


Paradox of freedom
      'No man is free who is not master of himself'

      This is a quote derived from the book that has resonated deep within me. I read this book with the aim of learning what needs to be done in order for me to achieve success. I was particularly interested in the chapter that talked about discipline. One of the main reasons many of us fail to achieve success is because we lack the consistency to do what needs to be done when it should be done. Human beings are creatures of habit. One destructive habit repeated consistently becomes innate and it takes an incredible amount of effort to break out of the habit. Similarly, it takes the same amount of effort to develop and grow a necessary habit. Discipline broods consistency and this consistency gives us a momentum which is fuel to success. Getting into the right mindset every day is always a challenge to most people. The possibility of distractions is endless. It takes a strong individual to conquer his mind to do what needs to be done when it ought to be done.

      It is quite obvious that discipline is paramount if you want to be exceptional in all your undertakings. So, why is it then that some people fall short of success? It is one thing to be aware of something and another to practice it. To know and not do is not to know at all. Just because you are aware that discipline is crucial, does not mean that you are disciplined. Life is a series of pain and pleasure. The order in which the two facts of life are dealt with determines the destiny of your life. A disciplined individual schedules life in such a way that the pain is dealt with first in order to enhance pleasure later. If it was easy, everyone would be successful. The most brilliant minds can go untapped because of lack of this essential characteristic. The difference between a dreamer and a go-getter is action.

      Building a foundation based on discipline will require sacrifice, diligence and persistence. Decide on what it is that you would like to change and determine the steps that you need to take to get to where you want to be. Start applying discipline in one aspect of your life, whether it is fitness, diet, education or punctuality and this will inevitably consume your whole being. This process can take a substantial amount of time to be mastered and it might be discouraging when you do not see the results immediately. It should be at the back of your mind that good things take time. Your speed is not important. As long as your moving, you are still lapping everyone on the couch. The key to discipline is a sense of destiny. Do not lose sight of your end goal. Remember, no one ever reached any eminence, and no one having reached it, ever maintained it, without discipline.